Monday, December 14, 2009

SIFRP: Overview

We've played a few times since my last post at the end of October. A brief overview of the sessions follows and I'll expand on them over the next few days.

1) Created House Wyrmwood and did some character creation. This was actually a half session because we spent a lot of time talking about killing the D&D game, deciding on SIFRP, and then finally working on the house.

1.5) None of the characters were done-done that first night, so I worked with the players to finalize things, explain some rules bits, and help write up characters with those players who missed the first session. Character generation is a snap, so it was easy. The hardest part was getting the people who weren't familiar with the setting to "get it." Even so, it all worked out.

2) With their characters done they were excited to play them. So naturally, I had them flip over their characters and randomly choose one of the NPCs I'd created for them. Taking a page from G.R.R. Martin himself, I had them play characters that were quickly slaughtered by some Ironmen raiders. This served the purpose of introducing them to the feeling of the world, the combat system (and it's deadliness), and part of the plot I'd be using (that of the Ironmen raiding on their coast again). When everyone was dead or taken by the Ironmen we switched to their characters and did some House rolls and got them introduced to each other at Coldiron Hall.

3) Having learned of the Ironmen's attack on their land they gathered some men together and went to investigate. Part of their investigation led them to some bandits who'd seen most of the raid and after some negotiating told them how many men and ships were involved. Once that information had been imparted,  the bandits started threatening to only let one of them leave, so Bannerman Wulfgar Oakmeade shot the bandit leader through the eye and a fight broke out. The PCs managed to win, but it was nervewracking for a couple characters.

4) With the bandits defeated or driven off the characters rounded up their abandoned goods and took them back to the sacked village. Then traveled home to find out they'd received an invitation to a tournament in King's Landing (I'll be running the Peril at King's Landing adventure). Which led to a lot of discussion and roleplaying about what they should do about the Ironmen, if they can afford to be gone for a while, how quickly they could get there, and what they needed to make a good showing at the tourney. This was very much a night of roleplaying with only three rolls of the dice called for.

The fifth session is schedule for this Thursday, then we're off for a couple of weeks due to the holidays. The posts that follow will described the sessions more in-depth and I'll also post some game stats of their troops and maybe the characters themselves if I feel like it.

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